The Tea Party was an extraordinary talented and underrated Canadian band. When I heard they were breaking up, I panicked and thought "this is it", the same thought I had when Robert Buras from Madrugada died. But if you give it a thought, really good bands are composed by extraordinary individuals, which together form these extraordinary bands. And in the case of The Tea Party, one of these individuals is Jeff Martin, a man with an entrancing voice and a gifted guitar player as well. A man who is capable to touch our heart with his music. Listening to him is a very moving experience; you connect immediately to what he is expressing with his lyrics and music. You feel that he really enjoys what he is doing; despite of not having that much of a success abroad... if being part of the mainstream can be called success... I personally have my doubts... I am really grateful to musicians like Jeff Martin, who stick to the essential, to the very roots and meaning of music: You make music because you love music...
Jeff Martin - Official Site
Talent and Love
Publicado por Andy en 11:46 0 comentarios
What if?
What if I would just let go of it all… I don’t know, maybe it’s not a good idea… Maybe it’s just temporary… I mean this feeling of being caged up, of restlessness, boredom, like as if I were blindfolded and gagged. But, what if not? What if it is time to move on, to start over? Conventionalisms never meant much to me, so feeling this way is about the worst thing that can happen to my soul. Maybe I need to sleep over it another couple of sleepless nights, think it over (again). Why is it that despite of considering myself a free soul, I still trip over the classic trap, which is, to believe that something external from me will fulfill me. I should follow my soul and my heart, wherever they take me… Even if they just take me back to myself…
sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009
Publicado por Andy en 12:49 0 comentarios
Copia u Original?
miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009
Publicado por Andy en 12:15 2 comentarios