The Tea Party was an extraordinary talented and underrated Canadian band. When I heard they were breaking up, I panicked and thought "this is it", the same thought I had when Robert Buras from Madrugada died. But if you give it a thought, really good bands are composed by extraordinary individuals, which together form these extraordinary bands. And in the case of The Tea Party, one of these individuals is Jeff Martin, a man with an entrancing voice and a gifted guitar player as well. A man who is capable to touch our heart with his music. Listening to him is a very moving experience; you connect immediately to what he is expressing with his lyrics and music. You feel that he really enjoys what he is doing; despite of not having that much of a success abroad... if being part of the mainstream can be called success... I personally have my doubts... I am really grateful to musicians like Jeff Martin, who stick to the essential, to the very roots and meaning of music: You make music because you love music...
Jeff Martin - Official Site
Talent and Love
Publicado por Andy en 11:46
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